In this episode we sit down with Marilu to share her birth and labor journey to becoming a mommy. Marilu Gabba is an Relationship Transformation Coach focused on supporting women and couples to live a life with epic relationships and meaningful love. Whether single or partnered, she believes that living a life that prioritizes great communication, intimacy and wholesome connection is the best elixer for a life of vitality and joy. Marilu is a triple-certified VITA* Coach and loves taking clients through simple, step-by-step processes rooted in both modern Western psychology and Eastern philosophy. She offers individualised coaching as well as a flagship 3-month program for women to connect them to their pleasure and desires. When not supporting clients with their personal transformation, she is looking after her 1-year old boy at home and running the household for her family like a boss. *VITA = Vital & Integrated Tantric Approach I hope you enjoy listening to this episode and that it helps you to allow yourself to experience your own home birth magic and motherhood. Please share it far and wide. To connect with marilu:
Instagram: @marilugabba
Facebook: Marilu Gabba
Intimacy Practice email: