

Latest from the Genie Coach Podcast

Our Genie Coach Podcast  envisions a space where we as parents can unlearn and relearn. Hosted by Ms Neo Evodia Nare, a  western trained professional mental health practitioner who is called to an African way of healing and preserving the genie souls.

Episode 64: Demystifying Social Competency with Vera

Jan 27, 2024 | Genie Coach Podcast | 0 comments

In this episode we sit with Vera Luísa Franco. She is armed from a young age with the question “is this the best we can do in our society?” Vera left university life in Lisbon, to find new ways of living, collaborating, deciding and creating in the intentional communities and ecovillages movement. She spent 10 years facilitating ecovillage design processes and helping people start ecovillage projects all over the world. Now, Vera is a Possibility Management Trainer, Evolution Midwife, and Genius Igniter, she empowers teams and individuals globally to discover and apply their unique authentic talents and purpose to creating a life, culture, and relationships they yearn to live in. Yummy Quotes from this epidose: Emotions are all full of energy and information if one becomes comfortable with them. Parents need to be empowered so that they can become the adults that genies need. Thank you so much for listening to this episode and if you enjoyed it please share it with others that you feel they might benefit from it.

To connect with Vera: Instagram/facebook : @veraluisafranco Newsletter: Resources: About Social Competence: Article about school:

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