

Latest from the Genie Coach Podcast

Our Genie Coach Podcast  envisions a space where we as parents can unlearn and relearn. Hosted by Ms Neo Evodia Nare, a  western trained professional mental health practitioner who is called to an African way of healing and preserving the genie souls.

Episode 52: Conscious fatherhood with John

Aug 12, 2023 | Genie Coach Podcast | 0 comments

In this episode we talk to John who is a coach, husband and a father of 2.

John shared that his approach to parenting is acknowledging that his genies are spirits and their relationship is that of spirit and spirit as opposed to that of father and child.

He shared some of his childhood struggles which led to him choosing conscious parenting and the impact role models and mentors had on him when he felt like he was falling apart and failing as a father and a husband. He says all he wanted to do was run.

John shared his view on the concept mature masculine and his observation of what currently looks like an anti-men era as the world tried and navigate patriarchy.
He also spoke a little about the differences between men and women including their brain functions.

Yummy quotes from this episode:

Without a solid family structure, men have the least chance of becoming mature.

Men and women are different, and the difference is enormous.

Mature masculine is quiet feminine (motherly)

Take care of your wife first before you take care of the children.

I hope you enjoy listening to this episode and that it helps you to consciously parent your genies. Please share it far and wide.
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